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sábado, 18 de julho de 2009

Ode para Anita Ekberg

Quando o pecado morava ao lado
no televisor com moldura de sucupira da minha família
Meu desejo-menino era dominado por Marylin Monroe
Depois já pequeno-nacionalista admirava este longínquo pais
que foi testemunha do excesso brasileiro em 58
O sonho cristalizava-se num sorvete cremoso
Ela era a sorveteira vestida de branco vinda da Suécia
Não apenas a mãe de toda volúpia
mas a guardiã de uma Europa que amava os gentios
Com ela despertei nas solitárias sessões da tarde
Contigo Anita Ekberg descobri as cruzadas que os homens fazem
para merecer o amor próprio e o salvo conduto das musas

quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009


Dennis has 37
He is a ex-cook who cooks software
He´s in his chair in the sky
On the ground he dresses either a Honda or a Chevrolet
I can see him into the car
I can see who he was before the car
I can´t see him now
I just can´t
I imagine how many years ahead of debts
I can see the walls
I guess for the whole life
I guess he is not saying the truth.
There’s something bad going on
There’s something stinking
a quake trembling what was solid
Not just a national fear
a healing dope to the inner terror
It smells like a nightmare
But it shall be the best dream Dennis has ever had
May this 4th july
Free him from so many unessential things
Burst his heart out the can it lives
No need to be afraid of going local
No need to be afraid of being local
Time to be stuffless

this time

This time was different
This time was calm
Sellers were sellers
Bakers were bakers
Airports were just ports
Where people either sail or wait
Soldiers were sad as all soldiers are
This time I was different
I was without my inner conferences
My mind pacified
My conspiracy wasn’t there
The people of the north has a time to realize
What the south knows as disconnection
This time was full of intention time
Everyone was like a monk sailing waiting nothing...

Deus de Espinosa

Depois de intensa passagem pela vida vivida incorporar no belo, no vento na luz da manhã no pôr do sol para dar alento força aos que seguem ...