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sábado, 8 de maio de 2021

Show me the way

Show me the way, Peter Frampton

right back into the past

a young boy fighting for his freedom

flying away from bad men

just little hands and feet

to push them back

Please, show me the way 

out of the '70s

for not collapsing under the oppression

They say: "This is the school of life"

I came to realize this is a death machine

chewing forests, and hearts

Show me the right way, Peter

you are a seasoned Englishman

I was not then I escaped to a place

called unconsciousness by a Swiss psychologist

There, I went further down to find

a lost generation of boys and girls still frighten 

under the burden of a demanding way of life 

Show me the way

or, I would make my own...

I did

(Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way - 7/2/1977 - Oakland Coliseum Stadium)

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