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sábado, 5 de junho de 2021

The Last Night in the Middle Age

The last night in Salzburg

before leaving Mozart's kingdom

was intriguing in its dark hours

If the train to Munchen leaves at 4 a.m

I have the whole night and its lost memories

to find out the medieval guts of time

The city of Mozart?

The city that expelled him

I have just a couple of hours last to check all this out

before jumping in the next millennium

Enough time to drink the best beer 

at a little tiny bar called "Piccolo" still open at 2 a.m

Cheers to Salzburg and its people

entrenched between the Alps and the history

I wish you the best:

the new return of Mozart with his eternal music

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Deus de Espinosa

Depois de intensa passagem pela vida vivida incorporar no belo, no vento na luz da manhã no pôr do sol para dar alento força aos que seguem ...